Doesn’t Matter

Hi Everyone ! I guess have been on a life experience rides didn't post for months. Well, I think we should be back into business, now I'm here.

You know time heals everything. Kind of, think so. Time just make your mind grow weaker and eventually makes the memory of your nightmares diminished. Many things happened during this time since the last time I wrote. Probably, these things are the only reason why I am back in philosophy. So, there was my favorite person who left me in the month of march this year, which means I was broken. But now you see, nothing makes me interested. It doesn't mean that I don't want to live. I still have many reasons to live my life. 

Still, I don't care much about things now. You take anything from my life now, I wouldn’t be depressed.  Give me anything, I wouldn't be much happy. Nothing makes me happy or sad nowadays. Things are just getting out of hands.

You know at many a times you will feel that you can't do anything to change your situation. That's kind of true. So why do care about the situations which you cannot change, it's all in your head. Personally, I can't see a reason why you should care about the things that you cannot charge. 

People are the most dangerous creatures on earth and the most unpredictable as well. I just sometimes think that I should have the ability to see through them, I don't think I can. 

I don't know it I can be counted in people or not, doesn't matter actually. I have no secret left within me. Ask anything about my life and I am open to everyone. No privacy left I guess. Maybe I am unpredictable as well, don't know. 

Caring about the things that you cannot change gives you a experience but still it eats up your time. Why should you give your time thinking about them. It's not like I am saying that we do everything for a reason. I guess everyone's life is different some things you explore yourself. 

Ask me anything about myself, I would tell you even if you're a stranger. Tell me about yourself, I never judged anyone, I will just listen to you. 

As of today I don't have anyone to talk to as well. Another person left me today.

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