
Showing posts from August, 2021

Death - My perspective and teachings

Some people say that my teachings are wrong. I am not offended by them but as I say one should look at both the perspective of a thing. People say that we should kill somebody to let him receive the Infinite Eternity after Death. Well at this I will say The Infinite Eternity judges who must die and when, who are you to choose someone's destiny. Everyone receive the Infinite Eternity after death but the Immortality of Heart blooms in rare souls. The Immortality of Heart is the highest degree of The Infinite eternity. The one who just knows about the Infinite Eternity lives in the mortal realm, the one who experiences The Infinite Eternity lives in the spirit realm yet unknown of what this experience really is, but the one who achieves the Immortality of Heart gets the choice to understand it. The only way to receive the gift of an Immortal Heart is to follow the true path of Destiny.

Destiny awaits...


An Ideal question is far better than a correct answer


Eyes of the Legend


Life is all about Choices

Life always meant choices, big or small doesn’t matter. Choices that you don’t know the end of occur in front of you. The further you go the more precise you will become. The paths of choices are separated. The further you go on one path the other path goes more far away. Even if you choose the wrong path there is no going back. Just before the end of your wrong path you see a shortcut, a shortcut to the right side but that doesn’t seem to be a shortcut anymore. The right path is way too long to catch, that’s why you move to the finishing line of the wrong path which is just ahead of you. Everyday you choose, all of your choices are not perfect but you try and try to make the perfect choice. That’s when the day comes, the day of your perfect choice, Death. Death will always be the perfect choice and everyone has to accept it.